80 Ridgebury Hill Road Slate Hill, NY 10973 Town Hall: 845-355-5700
Town Hall 80 Ridgebury Hill Road Slate Hill, NY 10973 845-355-5700
House numbers are not only convenient for finding addresses but necessary for emergency responders to locate those in need. Minutes matter so be sure that fire, ambulance, and police personnel can quickly find your address. It is important to have the correct address number visible on your house , as well as your mailbox.
Do your part to help yourself and have your house numbers displayed near the front door, under a light in a size and color that is easily visible from the street. If you live in a rural area maintain your house number sign that is near your driveway. Don’t let it get covered with snow this winter.
If the numbers on your house are not visible or easy to read, it will take emergency personnel longer to reach you. Those extra minutes spent trying to locate a property can mean the difference between life and death, so take the time now to be sure your house numbers may be seen from the street.
You can register to be included on an emergency list to ensure that you are safe during an emergency or natural disaster. Please call 845-355-5700 ext. 9 to add your name and phone number to the list.
As of November 20, 2023, residential households in the U.S. are eligible for another order of 4 free at-home tests from USPS. Click HERE to order your free tests from USPS.
Please Click Here to download a list of Emergency Phone numbers and Websites pertaining to the Corona Virus Pandemic and other essential services.
Lastly and most important is the hope to keep all of you safe by limiting exposure and taking precautionary measures to protect yourself and your loved ones. Here is information to help you: