
Wawayanda Current News

Latest news and updates from the Town of Wawayanda.

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File your Survey With the Orange County Clerk's Office

The Orange County Clerk's office is now accepting survey maps for filing. Many Orange County residents especially new homeowners go to the County Clerk's Office looking for the metes and bounds of their property. Until now, they could only provide tax maps and subdivision maps. Filing your survey map will provide you with the convenience of always knowing where it is when you need it.

Map requirements are:
- Completed title block including property owner's name, town/city in which it is located.

- Surveyor’s signature and seal

- Minimum 8-point font for legibility.

- Paper or Mylar minimum size 8 1/2” x 11” maximum size 36” x 48”

Filing fee $10.00/page at the OC Government Center 255 Main St. Goshen, NY 10924

For more information, you can contact the Orange County Clerk's Office.   Phone: 845-291-2690

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The Town of Wawayanda is excited to announce we are in the process of developing our own dedicated EMS Service!

Please stay tuned for more information on this program and ways to apply for EMT positions!  

Before you apply, take note:

For any questions, please contact the Town of Wawayanda Supervisors Office at 845-355-5700 option 4

Fraud Alert to Notify Property Owners of New Transactions

The Orange County Clerk’s Office is providing a free new tool to help property owners protect one of their most valuable assets. 

With Fraud Alert, you can sign up to receive alerts whenever a document, such as a deed or a mortgage, is recorded under your name. Documents can then be viewed online or at the Clerk’s Office. 

“This is an easy way for homeowners to have peace of mind, at no cost to them.” Said County Clerk Kelly Eskew. 

You can sign up for free at Https://

 Please note there may be other property owners in the County that share the same name.