
Wawayanda Current News

Latest news and updates from the Town of Wawayanda.


Choose your Electric and Natural Gas supplier to save money

Public Service Message

With the rising costs of Electric and Natural Gas, we suggest you visit 
NY Power to Choose.  This website gives you the opportunity to shop for lower Electric and Natural Gas supplier rates. You will need a copy of your most recent Orange & Rockland Utility bill to compare the rates. 

You will be asked to enter your zip code and the website will give you all the current rates available to you. You want to compare how much you are paying per KWH for electric. If you have natural gas, you will want to compare how much per CCF you are paying. Some utility suppliers have fixed rates for a period of months, while others have variable rates.  Below, we have given examples of where to find your current rate on your utility bill. 

Example of Electric Supplier Charges


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